
Acuity Benchmarking

Alongside our clubs, we offer a range of events, to ensure members have access to ongoing learning opportunities and the latest insights. 

Our Experience

We run an annual conference, which serves as a flagship event, bringing together members and industry experts for in-depth discussions, keynote speeches and interactive workshops. This provides an opportunity for members to delve into pressing topics, explore emerging trends and gain insights from thought leaders in the field.

Throughout the year, we also organise a variety of events focusing on live issues impacting housing providers. We are always happy to assist our members in working together to overcome the challenges they face. 

Acuity has a track record of facilitating a wide range of events on behalf of social housing organisations, including workshops, round table discussions and webinars. 

Acuity icon in white.

Our Approach

We arrange member-led events on behalf of clubs or for our national membership base. This includes facilitating collective responses to regulatory consultations.

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