
Acuity icon in white.

What we offer

Acuity provides performance and cost benchmarking data for its members, enabling them to compare against a peer group of organisations facing similar challenges. This data is utilised by staff, boards and residents to provide context for each organisation’s performance and inform strategy and decision-making.

Our online benchmarking tool offers a library of performance indicators, standards and clear definitions, to ensure consistency in how everyone calculates the metrics. Members can also create their own reports and dashboards, allowing them to measure performance nationally or by any subset they choose, based on size, region and a range of other characteristics.

We play a vital role in facilitating the collection and reporting of essential data for the established member-led Benchmarking Clubs. Acuity Benchmarking supports members to get the regulatory requirements right and offers an opportunity for like-minded sector colleagues to network, share ideas and discuss challenges.


Our principal role is to provide trustworthy data enabling housing providers to compare costs and performance and to understand what ‘good’ looks like. Credible data offers lenders, partners and stakeholders with assurances that you are efficient, well-run and delivering social value.

Acuity Benchmarking facilitates members to:

Understanding Costs & Performances

Reports and dashboards that enable housing providers to assess how their performance, costs and resident satisfaction compare against similar organisations.


Regional and specialist benchmarking clubs to regularly meet with colleagues from similar organisations and network, share ideas and learn from each other.

Regulation &

Our data measures and definitions are driven by the requirements of the Regulator and other statutory bodies.

Acuity icon in white.

Our Approach

We bring members together in regional and specialist benchmarking clubs, giving colleagues the opportunity to get beyond the numbers, through networking, sharing ideas and learning from one another.

Our benchmarking datasets cover satisfaction, allocation and lettings, income management, asset management and cost measures. These metrics are essential in delivering regulatory assurance and compliance to key stakeholders.

We also run a variety of ad-hoc benchmarking projects each year, such as one-off cost comparisons on topics like insurance, audit, and telecoms.

Acuity’s annual conference and regular webinars have proved a popular way for members to gain knowledge from a range of experts in areas including governance, building safety, value for money and customer service. Resources and recordings from these events are available on our website.


Acuity Benchmarking is the national smaller housing providers’ benchmarking network in England. The network has 150 members, who own/manage over 75,000 homes across eight English regions, with an average stock size of 353.


Acuity delivers a benchmarking service for the Housing Alliance group of Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs) to help its members comply with the regulatory frameworks and participate in wider benefits associated with the Acuity benchmarking model; performance improvement, sharing of best practices, networking and collaboration.

Empowering Housing Providers with Data

Delivering trustworthy data to analyse performance and assure stakeholders

Since 2006, our primary role has been to deliver reliable data that enables housing providers to compare costs and performance with others and to understand what ‘good’ looks like. Credible data also provides lenders, potential partners and other stakeholders with assurances that you are efficient, well-run and delivering social value.

Acuity is not just a benchmarking business; we are a long-established provider of satisfaction surveys and market research from conception to surveying and reporting. If you would like to find out more, please contact us.

Supporting you, with a focus on social value

We know that the data provided to our members can influence the homes and communities where people live, and in turn, can significantly impact people’s lives. This is why we have a ‘can do’ approach with our clients, deliver excellent value for money, partner with providers of all sizes, and offer the most bespoke service possible. We are passionate about presenting members with valuable insight, to direct decisions that will have a positive effect on the wellbeing and satisfaction of their residents. 


Our data measures and definitions are driven by the requirements of the Regulator and other statutory bodies. 

At our annual Acuity Benchmarking Conference, we deliver a programme covering regulation and compliance. Alongside this, we hold regular webinars which address specific changes and clarity of understanding of regulation, compliance and assurance.

Acuity facilitates a national network of housing providers in the UK and the Housing Alliance, ICSH and Housing Agency in Ireland. We produce performance datasets, working with organisations such as the Regulator of Social Housing, Housing Ombudsman, Chartered Institute of Housing and National Housing Federation, to provide our members with the business intelligence they need to navigate an increasingly complex and challenging operating environment.

Become a member

Interested in becoming a member of Acuity Benchmarking? Contact us today to find out more.

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