Staff Engagement Survey – Privacy & Data Protection Policy

Survey Objectives

  1. To explore employee perceptions of their work experiences
  2. To obtain feedback from employees on their employer’s performance
  3. To identify potential changes to working practices and the work environment

Privacy statement

This statement concerns the on-line survey and data collected

  • The pages help us to conduct research for the purposes outlined above.
  • In all circumstances identities of individual respondents and their answers will be treated as confidential and will be used only for research purposes unless you expressly request or permit disclosure to a third party.
  • Additionally, to maintain the confidentiality of individual responses, we will NOT carry out analysis of data or report on data where there are fewer than ten responses within a particular sub-group.
  • We will not wilfully mislead you.
  • Co-operation is voluntary at all times. Personal information will not be sought from you or about you, without your prior knowledge and agreement.
  • Withdrawal – at any stage you can refuse to answer specific questions. You can also ask us to destroy or delete part or all of the record of your responses. Wherever reasonable and practical we will carry out such a request.
  • Cookies – we use cookies for site navigation only and do not retain any information in cookies after survey completion.
  • Unsolicited mail – we will not send unsolicited mail or pass on your email address to others for this purpose. If we want to send you future email, we will ask your explicit permission for this.
  • If you have any further questions please contact us through our  contact page.
  • You are welcome to check our credentials by contacting your employer.