SPBM conference – making sense of a challenging environment

The Acuity SPBM conference explores the horizon from a smaller housing association perspective so that you are in the best possible position to respond positively to the challenges.

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The programme

All the sessions will seek to make sense of the operating environment and its implications from a smaller housing association perspective:

  • building an organisation your customers will love
  • the latest on housing policy from the CIH and regulatory developments from the Regulator of Social Housing
  • repeated breakout sessions mean you can choose two from four options:
    • what does robust risk management look like for smaller associations?
    • the benefits of implementing a values-driven culture
    • making satisfaction surveys fit for the future
    • diversity and growth

For the draft programme click here >>

There will be ample opportunity to network with colleagues over lunch and at the break.

In the interests of open exchange and transparency, the event will operate in accordance with the Chatham House rule.


Clare Norton, CEO, Peter Bedford Housing Association

Speakers confirmed so far

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  • Oke Eleazu, Chief Operating Officer, Bought By Many and Bromford Group Board Member
  • Gavin Smart, Deputy Chief Executive, CIH
  • Chris Meskill, Head of Small Providers, Regulator for Social Housing
  • Andy Roskell, Managing Director, DTP
  • Denise Raine, Director, Acuity
  • Anne Taylor, CEO, Thorngate Living
  • Nick Chambers, Chief Executive, LACE
  • David Chaffey, Director of Housing & Property, BHT

Who should attend?

This event is targeted at those who lead smaller housing associations: Board and executive


With VFM in mind we’re keeping costs down compared to similar events whilst not compromising on quality:

  • SPBM members £205 plus VAT
  • Non-members £240 plus VAT
  • Additional places from the same organisation £30 discount

Date & time: 9:30 – 15:45, Thursday 25 April 2019

Venue: National Council For Voluntary Organisations, 8 All Saints St, London N1 9RL (Kings Cross)

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