Acuity Autumn 2021 Webinars: essential business intelligence

Acuity WebinarsExclusively for members, we’re delighted to announce our series of free webinars for autumn 2021. Acuity webinars provide you with the intel and challenge you need to take control of a fast-changing operating environment. Drawing on White Paper themes and other topical issues, our programme is as follows:

Complying with the Rent Standard

Angela Lomax, Director, DTP

10:30 – 11:30 am, Tuesday 23 November 2021

A common factor in regulatory downgrades over the past two years, compliance with the Rent Standard is still very much on the Regulator’s agenda. This session will set out: what the rent regulations are and associated legislation; what you need to know about your rents to be assured about compliance; and where the risks and tricky spots are.

Book your place with Angela here >>

TSMs Part 1: an update on the Tenant Satisfaction Metrics from the RSH

Robert Dryburgh, Assistant Director, Business Intelligence, RSH

10:30 – 11:30 am, Thursday 25 November 2021

Heralded by the White Paper, the Tenant Satisfaction Metrics (TSMs), aim to make social landlords more accountable through the transparency they will afford to all stakeholders. With the formal consultation on the TSMs due to start at the end of the year, Rob will update us on the likely direction of the proposals following the RSH’s extensive soft consultation over summer and autumn.

Book your place with Rob here >>

Tenant engagement: what does good look like?

Michael Hill, Business Development Manager, TPAS

10:30 – 11:30 am, Tuesday 30 November 2021

The White Paper topic that just won’t go away! Tenant engagement specialist, Michael, reflects on what the government and RSH are looking for and what you should be doing. He will also consider: the age-old puzzle of getting tenants engaged; what we mean by engagement in 2021; developing a culture where everybody feels engagement is their job; and the need to draw diverse intel streams together to reflect a coherent tenant’s voice.

Book your place with Michael here >>

TSMs Part 2: how tenant surveys are evolving in readiness for TSMs and Consumer Regulation

Denise Raine, Director, Acuity

10:30 – 11:30 am, Thursday 2 December 2021

Covid, environmental considerations and the changes heralded by the White Paper are making social landlords rethink their priorities, service offer and relationship with tenants – decisions that need excellent intel. Denise takes a practical look at getting your tenant surveys right: how they have evolved over the past year; what kind of questions and survey methods landlords are deploying; and what they should be asking.

Book your place with Denise here >>

Choosing to be a great landlord: can culture be the key to REVving up your resident/landlord relationship?

Anne Taylor, CEO, Thorngate Churcher Trust

10:30 – 11:30 am, Wednesday 8 December 2021

White Paper observations on the need for a more customer focused and responsive sector made for uncomfortable reading for some landlords. Could adopting a values-based organisational culture be the key to providing a consistently high service valued by residents? Reflecting on Thorngate’s ongoing cultural journey and featuring an appearance by Gareth Southgate, Anne assesses the White Paper’s key themes and how they relate to a values-based culture.

Book your place with Anne here >>

More topics & dates to be finalised soon


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