To help you prepare for active consumer regulation, this session focuses on what good assurance might look like. Why? Because the new approach to regulation will build on current co-regulation which places your assurance arrangements front and centre – if you get an IDA, the first question will be, ‘show us how you ensure you’re complying with the standards?’ And if you don’t get an IDA, you’re expected to have a robust approach to assurance anyway! Failure to do so amounts to poor governance. Assurance specialist Bill shows us the ropes.
The webinar originally broadcast on 3 May 2022. The recording of the session and the slides are available below
Tenancy standard Qtr 4 2021-22
Neighbourhood community standard Qtr 4 2021-22
Governance financial viability standard Qtr 4 2021-22
VFM standard with code Qtr 4 2021-22
Tenant involvement and empowerment standard Qtr 4 2021-22