Regulation & Compliance

Acuity's Benchmarking dashboards and reports are designed to help members comply with the regulatory standards in England and Ireland. We also help members to understand and respond to the requirements of the regulator.

The Value for Money standard, re-issued in England in 2018, requires registered providers to report mandatory regulatory cost and performance metrics in their final accounts. Boards are also expected to report on their organisation’s own strategic VFM targets, which are meant to embody the value of what they do.

Results should be benchmarked against others, and the regulator prefers meaningful comparisons using a peer group of similar organisations.

Acuity benchmarking includes the measures required by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) in England and the Housing Agency in Ireland, but importantly digs deeper so members can understand why the headline measures are what they are, and wider to ensure all services (and therefore value) are reflected.

We support associations in embedding VFM and complying with regulatory requirements. Our approach is always based on taking meaningful action that is useful to your organisation, not just regulatory box-ticking.

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