Benchmarking Clubs

Acuity encourages its members to share, learn and work collaboratively in benchmarking clubs.

Regional and specialist benchmarking clubs offer the opportunity to meet with colleagues from similar organisations, facing similar challenges, to network, share ideas and learn from each other. 

Typically, members meet quarterly. These regular meetings ensure members stay updated on sector developments and are kept informed about trends and best practices. 

Members can participate in one or more of these benchmarking clubs, with each focusing on a particular location or housing speciality. By taking part in multiple clubs, members can diversify their knowledge and connections, gaining insight from various perspectives.  

Acuity icon in white.

We currently support the following benchmarking clubs in England:

  • London and South East Benchmarking Group
  • Housing for Older People (HfOP)
  • North West (Community HAs) (NWBM)
  • South West (SWBM)
  • Supported Housing
  • West Midlands (WMBM)
  • Yorkshire & Humberside

and in Ireland:

  • The Housing Alliance

Join Us

Interested in joining one of our Benchmarking clubs? Contact us today to find out more. 

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