
Acuity delivers a benchmarking service for the Housing Alliance group of Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs) to help its members comply with the regulatory frameworks and participate in wider benefits associated with the Acuity benchmarking model; performance improvement, sharing of best practices, networking and collaboration.

The Housing Agency’s regulatory standards make it clear AHBs must continuously manage, monitor, challenge and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services, and ensure the costs of supplying these services are competitive and offer VFM.

Acuity benchmarking offers an effective way of comparing costs and performance. We also run regular benchmarking meetings with Finance, Property and Housing staff, as well as Chief Executives.

Launched in 2018, Acuity’s AHB benchmarking service was originally designed around metrics that closely matched the regulatory returns. Since then, we have added further metrics to allow members to drill down further and explore additional areas.

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