Staff Engagement

Independent Surveys

Acuity undertakes independent surveys of housing providers’ employees, that explore how staff structures are operating and organisational culture, to identify areas for improvement.  

We design meaningful question sets to collect intelligence on a variety of issues that affect how staff feel and work, such as leadership, learning and development, communication, wellbeing, working environment and management.  

The insight gathered promotes the enhancement of staff engagement, productivity and wellbeing. The benefits of which are multifold, from reducing staff turnover and absentee levels to increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of work schedules. 

Importantly for housing providers, engaged employees get to know their residents better, helping deliver a better customer experience and in turn positively impacting satisfaction levels. 

Our Experience

Diverse staff surveys using multiple methods for comprehensive feedback.

We have conducted various staff surveys, utilising a combination of online, postal and telephone methodologies, to maximise response rates, meet survey preferences and provide excellent value for money. 

To truly understand the voice of staff, we construct purposeful question sets that collect both quantitative and qualitative feedback, through a systematic blend of closed and open-ended questions. At the same time, questions are carefully considered and streamlined to reduce survey fatigue and encourage increased participation.  

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Our Approach

Our approach is to design tailored question sets that gather actionable insight to promote purposeful outcomes. Surveys are based on the understanding that staff engagement – how well employees are engaged with the objectives of their organisation and can contribute to these aims, is a key element in determining customer satisfaction.

We focus on two main concerns – engagement and wellbeing, which are intrinsically linked to an individual’s ability to be productive at work. Question sets are constructed to explore a range of areas that affect how staff feel and their work experience, including:

  • Work role – the understanding employees have of how their role contributes to broader organisational objectives and values.
  • Work environment – the resources and support provided as part of the ‘day-to-day’ working experience.
  • Development and training – opportunities for staff to engage in learning opportunities and develop their knowledge and skills.
  • Operating culture – how things get done through leadership styles, teamwork, communication, management and trust.
  • Reward and incentives – views on pay levels, the benefits offered, and the recognition and appreciation of staff.
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Our methodology is approved by the MHCLG and NHF and recommended by Housemark for STAR.

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Our directors have worked on national reviews of resident surveys and are regularly asked to speak at conferences and seminars. 

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Acuity complies with the MRS Code of Conduct and its obligations under the Data Protection Act and holds ISO 20252 accreditation and Cyber Essentials Plus.

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