Barnsbury HA tenant feedback survey

We are carrying out a tenant feedback survey for Barnsbury Housing Association.

The purpose of the survey is to provide Barnsbury with insight into how satisfied residents are with their homes and the services they receive.

The survey should take around ten minutes to complete. If you need to stop to do something else while you are completing the survey, make sure you click the ‘Save’ button to avoid having to start again.

Please type your unique reference code in the box below and click ‘Start Survey’.


Your views are really important to Barnsbury Housing Association and this survey will help them to understand what you think about your home, the services Barnsbury HA provide and what residents would like them to do in the future. All residents who complete the survey will be entered into a prize draw. We will select three responses at random for prizes of £50 each.

If you have any questions you can call us on 01273 287114  or click here to use the contact form to send us a message.

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