DWP update and surgery

Acuity Webinars

Sarah Lewis, DWP Partnership Support Manager , presented a webinar on developments at DWP and where they are with UC roll-out, changes to the payment process and why it pays to be on the portal (and how to get on the portal if you’re not). How DWP is preparing for the expected increase in new claims in the autumn and winter? Plus, everything you ever wanted to know about DWP payments but were too afraid to ask or didn’t know who to ask.

Below is a FAQ from Sarah with responses to some of the key questions raised during the webinar and also some useful resources and contact details that she mentioned during her talk.  This  webinar was cast on 8 October 2020.


Q1. Why is my Landlord Portal request not being accepted?If your request is not being accepted you will need to email the Account Manager Team at

Q2. Notifications – what will I be notified of and what will I not?

MPTL being stopped?

Claim Closure?

TBC: Sarah has raised these queries with the Account Management Team and is awaiting a response – we  will update this page when we receive these**
Q3. Has there been a change in user functionality since the payment alignment came in?TBC: Sarah has raised these queries with the Account Management Team and is awaiting a response – we  will update this page when we receive these**
Q4. Can I download schedules for payments?There is an ‘Export’ function available. This function is available for users who have the ‘Manage Users’ role allocated. For further detailed information on how to do this please click Here
Q7. Have there been changes to the Benefit Cap recently?There have been no changes around the Rules regarding Benefit Cap. If you have a specific issue you would like to discuss, feel free to contact me.
Q8. Who do I contact for Third Party Deductions?If a tenant has rent arrears, a Third Party Deduction can be applied for via the Portal. Further information can be found Here
Q9. If people move home can they claim Housing Costs for two houses?No, they cannot claim Housing Costs for two houses for this reason. It is worth considering accessing Local Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) in these cases.
Q10. How do I register on the portal?To see if you’re eligible for the Trusted Partner Scheme, email tplp.enrolmentcontacts@dwp.gov.uk with the following information:

  • your organisation name
  • your Creditor Reference Number (CRN)
  • a contact name
  • your preferred contact email address
  • your landline telephone number, if available
  • your mobile telephone number, if available

Once you have submitted this information, you’ll be contacted by the Universal Credit Landlord Portal Account Manager Team.


There are some excellent resources available to help you navigate around the Landlord Portal. These are:

Help, Support and Escalation

There are a number of different routes to use for different areas;

For Landlords – Landlord Portal Specific Issues

The Landlord Portal Account Management team will be happy to assist with any landlord Trusted Partner or Landlord Portal specific enquiries or issues.

Issues and enquiries specific about the Universal Credit Trusted Partner Landlord Portal can be escalated through the Landlord Portal Account Management team by emailing an issues template to TP-LP.ACCOUNTMANAGERTEAM@DWP.GSI.GOV.UK.

Please note that all business as usual queries such as case specific and general escalation issues, or queries that do not directly relate to the portal (e.g. payment or APA questions, or issues relating to the SRS e-mail verification process) should not be sent to the Account Management team.

For Landlords – Case Specific Issues:

All case specific issues raised by landlords should be escalated through the local Third Party Escalation route. This should include all issues relating to APAs, verification of housing costs or other claimant related issues.

Local Escalation Contacts:

At the meeting I did promise that I would send out information on all local Escalation Routes. However, I didn’t quite realise how many there are for all the different areas and it is impossible for me to be able to send these all through via email. Therefore I suggest that if you do not have a local DWP contact, please contact me at sarah.lewis9@dwp.gov.uk and let me know what area you are in and I will send it across to you.



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