What’s new in Resident Satisfaction?

Acuity Webinars

Denise Raine from Acuity discusses how resident satisfaction surveys continue to be an essential tool to shape services, improve ways of working, and enhance the customer experience. But there are compelling drivers for a refresh: a renewed focus on consumer standards, growth in digital communications, innovation from other sectors, appetite for real-time feedback, and a desire to use the latest analytical tools to understand satisfaction. What have we learned during the Coronavirus crisis and what is the latest about the revised and relaunched HouseMark STAR framework?

The presentation (from 2 July 2020) was part of Acuity’s ‘Understanding the Present, Envisaging the Future’ webinar series.

Click here to download the slides from Denise’s presentation >>

… or click below to watch the recording including the Q&A ….




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