Salary comparison 2017
Once again this year we are running our comparison of salaries, terms and conditions for smaller housing providers.
Everyone who submits data will receive a report with a comparison and analysis of the terms and conditions offered by different providers that will help them and their Boards judge how the pay and rewards they offer compare with others.
For an organisation with ten staff it should take about two hours to enter details for the whole organisation, although those who participated last year will simply have to update last year’s figures. For those who have not participated before there is more detail below.
Salaries, terms and conditions will be recorded as at 1 April this year.
The deadline for data entry is Friday 14 July. The reports will be sent to participants in mid-August.
This service is free for SPBM subscribers. Please let us know if you have not previously participated and would like to take part this year.
How it works
- Our Salaries Comparison service uses web-forms and a secure database to capture and compare details of each role in member organisations, defining the role and the responsibilities as well as the rewards offered.
- There is a great deal of diversity within the sector and roles in smaller organisations are often hard to pin down. We have worked closely with chief executives from smaller housing providers to design a system that captures all the relevant information.
- We have made the process as simple as possible to complete while capturing enough information about each role to enable meaningful comparisons.
- For smaller organisations job title alone is not necessarily a good indication of a person’s role, so each post is rated using a simple matrix of areas / levels of responsibility. Each organisation also inputs a summary of their general terms and conditions.