STAR benchmarking report published

Benchmarking - Comparing like with like

HouseMark have just published their annual analysis of STAR benchmarking data.

The report,  on STAR data from surveys carried out in 2013/14 found that overall satisfaction has remained constant for leaseholders, general needs and housing for older people tenants between 2012/13 and 2013/14. There has been a small increase (1% point) in overall satisfaction for supported housing tenants and a larger increase (8% points) for shared owners.


Tenants are more satisfied with the service provided by their landlord than home owners (leaseholders and shared owners). General needs tenants are less satisfied than those living in housing for older people and supported housing, and shared owners are more satisfied overall than leaseholders.

When the results are broken down by region they show that satisfaction for London-based organisations is around 10 percentage points lower than other regions across all quartiles. Outside London, the scores are remarkably consistent, with only a few points separating the regions at each quartile threshold.

These differences between tenure types and regions continue the patterns found in the previous two years.

Comparisons used a balanced panel of landlords that submitted performance data for both years, and excluded those which submitted data from the same survey two years running. General needs = 71 landlords, HfOP = 55, Supported = 18, Leaseholders = 13, Shared owners = 7

This year HouseMark benchmarked Net Promoter Scores (NPS) for the first time. Median NPS scores from HouseMark data for 2013/14 are 40 for tenants in housing for older people, 38 for supported housing and 26 for general needs

To download a copy of the report from HouseMark please click here >>



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