We launched our third annual report for smaller housing providers at the NHF Conference & Exhibition for Smaller HAs on 6 November.
Published jointly with HouseMark, the report provides evidence that smaller housing providers continue to match and better their larger counterparts in many areas of performance.
In his preface, David Orr praises smaller providers’ track record in delivering resident satisfaction and the sector’s thoughtful business analysis, understanding of customers and intelligent responses to the current operating environment.
Elsewhere in the report, John Delahunty (Innisfree HA & Chair of g320) puts on a fresh pair of glasses in exploring the positive impact of smaller providers and their contribution to the social value. Mark Lupton (author of ‘Does Size Matter?’) warns of inflated expectations and encourages smaller providers to focus their efforts on the delivery of social value rather than its measurement.
The report also contains news from Acuity’s regional and specialist benchmarking clubs and the headline findings from their annual salaries survey.