SPBM cost benchmarking exercises 2013

Benchmarking -  Comparing like with like

This year we are running the following comparison exercises for SPBM benchmarking members. Please see below for details and contact Acuity if you would like to participate in any of these.

Staff Numbers

We have had various discussions in and outside of benchmarking club meetings about how to compare staffing levels and we have agreed that
a)    This is something worth doing
b)    It is not straightforward

We recognise that it is very difficult for smaller organisations to calculate Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) with real precision, that we need to take account of sub-contracting and outsourcing arrangements and that any additional data collection can’t be too onerous or complicated otherwise people won’t do it. We have agreed to collect some basic information which can then be used as the basis for discussion / learning at club meetings.

We will ask each club whether it wants to do this exercise, and for each club we will compile the responses together into a single chart that can be used as the basis for discussion as well as included in VFM reports.

We will combine all these to give a national view and incorporate this data into the annual salaries survey report if that seems useful.

For 2013 we are treating this as a one-off exercise but we will add the measures to the SPBM system on a permanent basis if that seems desirable later.

Insurance costs

Several  benchmarking clubs have indicated that they want to compare insurance costs again this year. Although premiums tend to be very structured to the individual organisation we have found this to be beneficial in the past.

External audit costs

As in previous years this is a straightforward comparison of external audit costs.

Allpay and equivalent charges

The costs of rent collection are becoming increasingly significant as a result of welfare reforms and providers are starting to monitor transaction charges more carefully.

SMS services

Housing providers are making increase of SMS gateway services for housing management, updating tenants about the status of repairs and communication and engagement in general.

Salaries, terms and conditions

This is our fourth annual survey of salaries, terms and conditions for smaller housing providers. Please click here for information.


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