With members of the bm320 benchmarking group, we have developed a salary comparison service that provides meaningful comparison between the salaries and other staff rewards with those offered by similar organisations facing similar challenges.
We were aware of the diversity of job roles within the sector and pinning down roles in small organisations proved to be a real challenge. Having piloted the service with Chief Executives from ten London-based housing associations we are really pleased with the feedback. Not only have we resolved the job roles, the group concluded the information is at the correct level and adding new job details via the website is straightforward and simple.
Subscribers to the service receive an individually tailored report, with a detailed comparative picture for every post, showing how similar roles in other organisations are rewarded. The service is supported by a secure database which we use to capture and compare details of each job in member organisations, defining the role and the responsibilities as well as the rewards offered.
This service is available to bm320 organisations as part of our benchmarking and peer review service. We are considering making it available to other small associations as a subscription service. To find out more please visit our website.