Howard Cottage Staff Survey 2014

We have been asked by your employer to carry out an independent staff survey to get feedback on your experience of working for Howard Cottage. Howard Cottage will use the survey findings to identify what changes need to be made to improve working practices and your working environment.

The survey consists of 23 questions with each question having an associated opportunity to comment.

You should aim to complete the survey in one go and we suggest you set aside at least 10 to 15 minutes to do so. Choose a time during which you are unlikely to be disturbed or distracted.

We have been asked to emphasise the importance and value of your comments. Please do comment where asked to do so – each and every time.

Please note that all individual responses are entirely confidential. No-one working for Howard Cottage or serving on Howard Cottage’s Board will have access to your individual response. We will not share any data from the survey with any other persons or organisations.

Please ensure that you submit your survey response before Friday 7 November 2014.

If you have any difficulties in completing the survey or wish to discuss any matter relating to the survey, please call us on 01273 311677 or click here to use the contact form to send us a message.

Thank you for taking time out to complete this survey.

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